Clip Chart

Dear Parents,

I am implementing a behavior management program called the clip chart is used. Hopefully, your child will be familiar with this chart because our kindergarten teacher’s use this in their classroom. I thought this would be a great way to help you as parents know how your child is doing in my classroom. I also think it will give student a good visual and reminder of their actions in class. Each child has a clip on the clip chart. Every student starts their clip on ready to learn or green. The student has the chance to move their clip up or down throughout the day depending upon the choices that they make. If a clip is moved up, it can be moved down if behavior worsens, and visa versa, if the clip is moved down, it can be moved up if the behavior improves. At the end of each day, I will record what color your child is on at the end of the day.

Blue- Student clipped up for showing great behavior or making good choices. This is a great level to end the day on.

Green- Students begin each day here. The student did not get in trouble and clip down, or go above and beyond to clip up.

Yellow- Student clipped down as a warning of bad behavior. If your child clips down, please discuss the behavior with them.

Red- Students clipped down twice because of a poor choice. The teacher will decide an acceptable consequence for this action and write a note in the student’s planner so that the parents know of their behavior.


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