This week

This week:

  • Math: starting addition to 10 (We will have our first math homework on Tuesday, it will come home in a red folder. Please return in that folder the next day.)
  • Reading/ Language arts: We will be working on rhyming words and manipulating words by changing the beginning and ending sounds.  (ex. say boo, now take off the b and add a z, the new word is zoo)
  • Writing:  We are going to start really implementing our writer’s workshop! We will be working on our writing stamina (how long we can write for without stopping.. each day ask your kiddo how far we got!) You can also start practice writing at home by starting a journal/diary where your kiddo can write about his/her day! (kids LOVE the idea of a journal/diary)
  • Spelling: We are starting spelling words this week!!! Our spelling words will be: and, the, to, of

+++Spelling test: our spelling test will be a little different than we have done in the past… we will call out the 4 spelling words one at a time and the kids will spell them on their paper.  Then we will call out a sentence and they will write the sentence (we are checking that they can apply the words).  On the back of the spelling test each week, we will be testing our phonics skill for that week that we had worked on in class as well as a phonics skill that we have previously taught (spiral review).  For example: this week we are really working on beginning sounds so on  the back of the test the kiddos will have to fill in the missing beginning sound of the word, also they will have to spell two CVC words since that is what we worked on this past week.  The phonics skills will get continually harder as the year progresses.  (For example, we be doing word families  and a variety of vowel patterns on different weeks.)  We will be really working on these patterns/phonics skills in class as whole group lessons as well as part of their literacy centers, so no worries they will get LOTS of practice! +++


A few Reminders: 

  • please initial planners each day
  • $10 planner/party money is due if not have already sent
  • Please send in a family picture if you have not 🙂
  • PLEASE sign up for my reminder if you have not already!! (I am really going to start using it as a main way of communication once more people  have signed up for it! Please email me if you are having trouble setting it up!) It is an amazing app.. we can text each other faster than email or even calling the school!
  • We are going to be needing more snacks as well to help “stock pile” our snacks so we don’t have to worry about it later!  (individual snack packs are awesome as well… so on days that we are running tight on time it does not take so long to pass out!)

A BIG BIG thank you for everyone who as has donated to our class.  (we have loved the supplies, snacks, and everything else!!!)

This year is going to be great!!!

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