Dear Families,
I wanted to include some ways that you can keep your child busy and active for the next 2 weeks!
- Read every day. Have your child read to you but also you read to them.
- Practice sight words. (Practice reading, spelling, and using the words in sentences.)
- Allow writing time each day. Journaling about anything! If this is frustrating to your child, have them pick a sight word and write a sentence about it. You can help them stretch the sounds out but let them try it by themselves. Help when necessary!
- Math: practice telling time, start looking at coins and figuring out which coin is which and how much is it worth…then practice counting sets of coins (this will be new to them but will be fun to do at home with real coins!!!)
- Write a book: staple 6 pages of paper together and let them create books!!! They are great at this!!! Tell them to bring any finished books to school with them when we open back up and I’ll hang it up for all their friends to read!!
- addition and subtraction problems (answer equaling up to 20)
- Try to check my blog regularly, I am going to try post read-alouds and other activities to be able to do at home!
Just some ideas of course! I will be posting some websites later also! Thank you and I will keep you updated on any new information!