Spelling Words: from, have, for, by
Phonics/Spelling Pattern: Knowing the difference between a long vowel sound and a short Vowel sound. Ex: Cake is Long and Tap is short. To practice say a word and ask if the vowel is a short sound or long sound. (example of words to ask: dice, tip, sip, dime, pop, note, map, make, met, meat) **They do not have to spell them just know if it is short or long sound.
Math: Review word problems/ review addition and subtraction/ figure out all the ways to make 10; Introduce graphs (Monday: Tally Chart, Tuesday: Pictograph, Wednesday: Bar Graph. Thursday: We will see all the ways to make 10!)
Writing: Use a plan to help guide our Writing (Someone, wanted, but, then), Know when to capitalize a letter: Names, I, Days and Months. We will also start practicing editing a paragraph.
Reading: Knowing the difference between fiction and nonfiction. (To practice at home sort books by fiction and nonfiction)
Science/Social Studies: Finish up our unit about inventors: Thomas Edison
- Watch the parent orientation powerpoint (below this post) Has LOTS of info please watch/read!!
- Try to come to the monster truck rally! This is a HUGE fundraiser for our education foundation! It is also sooo much fun!
- Please make sure to sign the reading log each night! The kids are doing so great at their reading!